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TAP's Blog 

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Week of June 9

One thing that the Florida Home has that Upstate New York does not have are LIZARDS.  Our Florida garden has had many reptiles, including...

Week of June 2

The heat of the summer has arrived at our Florida Home, along with late afternoon cloudbursts and dry spells that require some extra...

Week of May 26

A wonderful addition to the early summer garden  at our Florida Home are the CALADIUMs, which  provide the brightest colors after many of...

Week of May 19

The second week of May is the time that SPRING BREAKS OUT at TAProots farm in the Finger Lakes.  It is not only planting time, but also...

Week of May 12

This is a much anticipated week in the TAProots vineyard.  We have been out of production for Riesling grapes as we have spent the last...

Week of May 5

The Florida Garden continues to have new colors and shapes each week as the spring progresses to summer, but this week’s Blog will...

Week of April 29

Not many flowers are shared between our Florida Garden and the TAProots or lakehouse gardens. One flower that is at both is the...

Week of April 21

The North Florida climate allows us to grow things from tropical places from around the world.  Among our favorites are the ELEPHANT...

Week of April 14

With a couple of 90 degree days already in the record books, maybe summer has actually reached the Florida garden. The warmth has...

Week of April 8

This is the weekend of the COLEUS sale at the UF Institute for Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS).  The sale benefits students in...

Week of March 31

Spring comes on fast in Florida, with the danger of frost gone after March 10 or so.  After the stone and citrus trees, aloes, and...

Week of March 24

The fruit trees have bloomed and the summer perennials have not yet budded.  The Florida Home’s garden therefore needs something for food...

Week of March 17

Orange Blossom Time As spring unfolds at our Florida Home, the camellias and azaleas finish their visual displays but usher in the next...

Week of March 10

TAProots Sugar Bush Early March is maple sugar time at the Lakehouse.  The Lakehouse lot is 90 feet wide  at the Lakefront and widens to...

Week of March 3

The TAProots barn is a quiet place in the winter.  Usually there is no need to plow the snow from the driveway off Skyline Drive.  The...

Week of February 24

Every February I pay the vineyard a visit with a long list of chores that need to be done in the middle of a long Upstate New York...

Week of February 17

Spring is even more evident as the camellias are winding down.  The peaches and plums are in full bloom, joined by the Chickasaw plums...

Week of February 10

Early February is a quiet time in the garden, with time to prune the trees and perennials, and to start fertilizing.  It is a good time...

Week of February 3

February is the depth of the winter in most places, but in my Florida garden, it is the beginning of spring.  We could still have a...

Week of January 27

Another wonderful gardening opportunity at our home in Gainesville has been PALMS.  The property had four well established palm trees...

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