With the beginning of March comes one of the most colorful times in the Florida garden, the AZALEA BLOOM. These bushes likely occupy more space in the garden than any other plant. Large banks of them surround the live oak and under the magnolia tree in the front yard, along the fence near the compost bin, with recent planting along the side fence, and on both ends of Palm Row. We also enjoy cascades of azalea blooms from neighbors’ yards on both sides. The standard magenta “Formosa” varieties have been added to, including a white and pink Formosa grouping along the fence to the north, some deep red, late season bushes on the west end of the Palm Row, and everblooming orange flowered variety in the deeply shaded east end of the Palm Row. It appears that we will have one of the best blooms ever. We have pruned immediately after last year’s bloom rather than waiting until late July. The show is just starting now but the large number of buds promises to have an abundance of color for the next week in our Florida garden.